Reception We have fabulous news to share! In April, we moved into our new headquarters located at 2142 Jerrold Avenue, ending our 28-year run at 1375 Fairfax in Bayview. Yes, can you believe it -- 28 years! We sold our Fairfax building and were able to convert a...
Welcome to Our Nourish Blog
Meet David Linnell, interim CEO
by Kathy Stirling | Apr 5, 2023
When Ashley McCumber stepped down last October after 15 years at the helm of MOWSF, he wanted to make sure the organization was in good hands as Meals on Wheels started to look for a new permanent Chief Executive Officer (CEO). A natural fit was MOWSF’s current Chief...
Volunteer Profile: Adriano Hrvatin
by Stephanie Galinson | Apr 3, 2023
Adriano and his family have been longtime holiday donors and card-makers for MOWSF, but his focus changed during the pandemic. “Volunteering,” he said, “has given me a way to keep my eyes, mind and heart open.”
Recent Articles
After 28 Years, Meals on Wheels San Francisco has Moved its Headquarters!
by Jim Oswald | Apr 13, 2023
Reception We have fabulous news to share! In April, we moved into our new headquarters located at 2142 Jerrold Avenue, ending our 28-year run at 1375 Fairfax in Bayview. Yes, can you believe it -- 28 years! We sold our Fairfax building and were able to convert a...
Meet David Linnell, interim CEO
by Kathy Stirling | Apr 5, 2023
When Ashley McCumber stepped down last October after 15 years at the helm of MOWSF, he wanted to make sure the organization was in good hands as Meals on Wheels started to look for a new permanent Chief Executive Officer (CEO). A natural fit was MOWSF’s current Chief...
Volunteer Profile: Adriano Hrvatin
by Stephanie Galinson | Apr 3, 2023
Every quarter we profile a current volunteer to highlight the diversity of riches you bring to MOWSF volunteer programs. We’re wrapping up 2022 by sharing a conversation we had last fall with Adriano Hrvatin, a volunteer in our Grocery Shopper Program. What do...