How To Get Meals

Frequently Asked Questions
Am I Eligible For Home-Delivered Meals and Services from Meals On Wheels San Francisco?
Our services are geared primarily toward serving meals to low-income seniors. To be eligible for our services, you must be:
- 60 years of age or older
- Living in San Francisco or Northern San Mateo County
- Additional factors contributing to eligibility may include:
- Being homebound or needing help leaving your home
- Unable to prepare meals or shop for yourself
- A recent hospital stay or ongoing health problems
- Primarily living alone or with a caregiver
Learn more about Meals on Wheels San Francisco, here!
If you live outside San Francisco or Northern San Mateo County, please click HERE to search for your local Meals on Wheels programs.
How do I apply for Meals on Wheels if I live in San Francisco?
You, a family member, or a caregiver can apply for our Home-Delivered Meals program by phone by contacting the San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services’ Information, Referral, and Intake Line at 415-355-6700. They are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Additionally, we provide a Home-Delivered Groceries program in partnership with the SF-Marin Food Bank, for older San Franciscans in need of food and who are able to prepare their own meals. For program details and to sign up, call the Food Bank directly at 415-282-1907.
How do I apply for Meals on Wheels if I live in Northern San Mateo County
If you live in Northern San Mateo County cities of:
- South San Francisco
- Colma,
- Daly City
- Brisbane
- San Bruno
and are 60 years of age or older, you may qualify to receive Home-Delivered Meals from Meals on Wheels San Francisco. Contact our intake department at: 415-920-1111.
What kind of meal services do you provide?
We provide two nutritious meals, seven days a week (including holidays) to your home. Depending on your particular needs, there are a variety of meal delivery and menu options available. View our current menu offerings. Additionally, we provide Nutrition and Social Work Services.
How long does it take to get on the meal service?
We have a waiting list that fluctuates week by week depending on where in the city you live, changes in demand, etc. We continue to do our best to keep the citywide waiting list to a minimum. Whenever possible, our goal is to keep the wait-period for new services under 30 days.
I have a medical condition that requires a special diet. Can you accommodate me?
We currently have three modifications to our standard menu that address certain medical conditions. These include diabetic, low-sodium, and mechanically softened options.
Each of our well-balanced and nutritious meals meets one-third of the Dietary Reference Intake of nutrients for this age group. MOWSF offers a seasonal selection of “brunch” (breakfast/lunch) and dinner daily to our clients.
Do I have to live alone to receive Meals on Wheels San Francisco?
No, but we do focus our services on those who are isolated and need community support. If you live with someone else but need additional support, you may still qualify for our services.
I have difficulty carrying things. Can the drivers bring my meals inside?
Yes! Our drivers are ready, willing, and able to bring your meals into the kitchen, leave them on a table, or put them into your refrigerator—whichever is most helpful to you. You can also accept them right at the door.
Can the drivers leave my meals if I have to go out?
Part of our mission is to see each of our clients for each delivery to ensure that the client is safe on a day-to-day basis. We also do not want to risk food-borne illness by leaving meals out without knowing when they will be refrigerated or eaten. If you are planning on being away from home when we usually deliver meals, we can deliver an “extra” meal the previous day or make other special arrangements to ensure meal delivery. Please contact us at 415-920-1111.
There are some foods that I don’t eat. Can I get something else instead?
Unfortunately, we are not able to make substitutions to our meals. We do offer diabetic, low-sodium, and mechanically softened options for our clients who require special diets to meet their nutritional needs.
Can I suspend service for a couple of days without being canceled from the program?
Yes. We request notice one day in advance to cancel or resume your service. You may temporarily suspend service due to special circumstances such as extended hospitalization or convalescent stays.
Is Meals on Wheels San Francisco offered only for a limited time?
You can remain on the program for as long as you have a need and meet eligibility requirements, which are assessed by our social workers and drivers. Our goal is to ensure that our clients can remain independent in their homes for as long as safely possible.
How can I learn more about MOWSF programs and services?
Please call us at 415-920-1111. You, a family member, or a caregiver can also learn more about getting on our home-delivered meal programs, by contacting the San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services’ Information, Referral, and Intake Line at 415-355-6700 for prompt assistance.
What Meals on Wheels Seniors Say!

--Roslyn, Age 71
“It’s a wonderful program, a wonderful staff. I love the enchiladas; I like the fish, I like the steak and potatoes and the meatloaf — delicious! They [Meals on Wheels] include you just like a family member.”

--Michael, Age 91
“They [Meals on Wheels] care about what they’re doing; you can see it in their faces. Everyone that delivers, they are smiling. I would recommend them to anyone.”

--Carmen, Age 83
“I am really very thankful for you. And, I am pleased with Meals on Wheels. I cannot thank you enough. It’s so touching; I’ve never met such kind people.”