Supplemental emergency pandemic funding for people receiving CalFresh benefits will end in March putting many older adults at risk of becoming food insecure.
According to the California Association of Food Banks, the average household will lose about $200 a month starting in April.
Kristi Hirsch, Director of Social Work at Meals on Wheels San Francisco, says this will be a huge adjustment for older adults who relied on this funding.
“Most of the seniors we serve have been receiving the maximum allotment during the pandemic and now they will be returning to the allotment amount using the traditional formula for food stamps,” says Hirsch.
“This means that many of our low-income seniors could be going from close to $200 per month on their EBT card to as low as $15 per month, particularly if they are living in subsidized housing.”
Many Meals on Wheels Seniors in San Francisco Live Below Federal Poverty Level
In 2022, approximately 64% of the older adults who received Meals on Wheels in San Francisco lived on less than $37 a day.
SFGate: “It’s not going to be enough for people”: CalFresh benefits slashed
CalFresh information: Get Started – Resource Center