Home Delivered Meals
Our goal at Meals on Wheels San Francisco is to nourish and enrich our clients’ lives through the services we provide. Our Home-Delivered Meals program helps our clients maintain a healthy lifestyle and remain living independently by providing nutritious meals, a daily safety check, and friendly interaction.
A Friendly Smile
Our professional drivers, and their trained volunteer assistants, ensure our clients’ well-being and safety and offer companionship with a friendly smile when they arrive at the door. MOWSF drivers wear uniforms and badges, so you and your loved ones can easily identify our delivery drivers. Our drivers are assigned to specific delivery routes. This means that, over time, they are able to develop a relationship with the clients on their routes.
Meals on Wheels Makes a Difference!
Annually, working in conjunction with our partner, the San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services, we ask our home-delivered meal recipients how they’re liking the nutirtion program and if it is meeting their health needs. These surveys, along with regular contact throughout the year, help us tailor our services to keep up with the needs and changing lifestyles older adults have. Here’s what they had to say in 2023:

MOWSF offers a seasonal selection of “brunch” (breakfast/lunch) and dinner daily to our clients, depending on the type of delivery service they receive. Our brunch menu includes a variety of breakfast and lunch entrees, soups, and sandwich items, such as French toast, minestrone soup, and tuna salad. The dinner menu has a variety of fish, chicken, pork, and beef entrees, such as fish fillet with herb rice, beef ravioli with basil cream sauce, and lemon rosemary chicken with whipped potatoes.
Our menu can be modified to meet the special nutritional needs of our clients. These modifications include diabetic, low-sodium, and mechanically softened options. Each of our well-balanced and nutritious meals meets one-third of the Dietary Reference Intake of nutrients for this age group.
Delivery Service Options
Not all clients are the same! To meet the nutritional and social needs of our clients, we offer three types of delivery service, with the meals hot, refrigerated, or frozen. The type of delivery service is based on a client’s physical and cognitive abilities, as well as their storage and reheating facilities.
Clients may receive their meals every day, on weekdays, or two times per week. Many clients attend adult day health care, physical therapy appointments, behavioral health programs, dialysis treatments, and other essential medical appointments, and we recognize that a client’s needs may change over time. Clients may get different meal plans at different times when their physical, mental, or emotional situations or support systems change.
Home-Delivered Groceries
Some of our clients are able to prepare some of their own meals, but have limited resources and can’t shop by themselves for groceries. MOWSF has a partnership with the Department of Aging and Adult Services and the SF-Marin Food Bank to deliver weekly bags of groceries to seniors with limited mobility.
Volunteers deliver groceries every Wednesday so that clients can continue to enjoy cooking at home. Groceries are selected for complete meals, with fresh and seasonal produce, meat, rice or pasta, and other canned and dry goods.