Robin Meese-Cruz Retires this June
June 23, 2020Marie J. Nedich

This June, we celebrate the retirement of Robin Meese-Cruz after nearly 24 years at Meals on Wheels San Francisco.

Since Robin joined as a Social Worker in 1996, she has seen the organization go through many changes and been instrumental in growing the department to where it is today. Some of the most significant changes have been the number of seniors served, from hundreds to thousands, and moving from an all paper filing system to all online. As the number of seniors served grew, so did her department. When Robin started, she was one of three social workers on staff! In contrast, today, there is a team of twelve who share information and experiences, making it a wonderfully supportive group to work with.

Robin has indeed been an advocate for seniors and a tremendous asset to the Meals on Wheels mission. She has always felt that seniors are an essential part of our community. She explains, “they are so full of extraordinary experiences, wisdom, and stories that we can learn from. Often the elderly are dismissed in our society, and they really should be revered for their incredible knowledge and life experience – we just need to slow down a bit and listen to them!”

Robin’s accomplishments during her time at MOWSF include earning her Masters of Social Work, creating a social work procedure manual, updating all the client assessment forms, and connecting clients with paratransit transportation services. When she became the Director of Social Work, Robin continued her efforts to improve social work practices and serve clients in the best way to provide a high quality of service as MOWSF grew to help thousands of seniors.

In retirement, Robin will miss the camaraderie and friendships she built over the years but is looking forward to slowing down and living a more relaxed lifestyle. She plans to take more walks and spend quality time with her three lovely grandchildren.

To everyone Robin has worked with, she expresses, “Just an incredible thank you. Everyone, both clients and staff have touched my life in so many ways and taught me so many things over the years. I will always be grateful for the time I’ve spent here, and I feel as passionate about what we do as I did when I first started so many years ago. It’s truly been an honor to work with so many people dedicated to helping seniors stay at home.”

Robin can sum up over two decades at Meals on Wheels in on word – Rewarding!

Thank you Robin for your many years of service to Meals on Wheels San Francisco.

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