by Kasey Cacace | Nov 16, 2023 | Blog
Hello, my name is Kasey Cacace, and I am the newest Dietitian to join the incredible team at Meals on Wheels San Francisco. As a registered dietitian nutrition professional, I understand the importance of savoring the flavors of fall while keeping health a priority....
by Hannah Grant | Jun 9, 2023 | Blog
I joined the Meals on Wheels Nutrition Department in November 2022. As a Registered Dietitian, my job is to help seniors who receive Meals on Wheels stay healthy. Here are some recommendations I have to keep you healthy while having fun this summer! Drink Water High...
by Hannah Grant | Jan 12, 2023 | Blog
By Hannah Grant, RDN, Meals on Wheels San Francisco Nutrition Department. Did you make a New Year’s Resolution to improve your health? At Meals on Wheels San Francisco, we strive to help seniors lead healthy lives. Here are our top 5 tips we all can use to...