Grandma's Lemon Mousse was Nutty!
September 30, 2022Jim Oswald

In honor of Grandparents’ Day on September 11, we are celebrating and honoring the wisdom and joy our grandparents bring to our lives. Now through the end of the year, we are collecting YOUR stories about favorite memories of meals and recipes you’ve enjoyed with your grandparents! Tell us what made the meal or recipe so special for you and/or your family. You can submit your stories here: Share your story and we may feature them in a future blog or newsletter!

Here is a heartwarming story that Meals on Wheels social worker, Vicki Goldstone, recently shared with us!

My grandmother grew up in Copenhagen, Denmark, and she used to make a special dessert called citronfromage, which is a very light lemon mousse that I thought was delicious.

When she made it, she hid a nut in the mousse. She scooped our portions into our bowls and the person who got the nut had to hide it in their mouth while they were eating. Then, we all tried to fake each other out by pretending we were the ones that got the nut, and when we finish, we had to guess who really had it.

I thought it was great fun!

In hindsight, the nut was a bit of a choking hazard, but it was also fun to be extra careful while eating the dessert, combing through mouthfuls with our teeth.

We stopped playing the game after the 70s, so it remains a happy memory of my childhood.

~Vicki Goldstone

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